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GoneMAD Music Player 3.0 Beta 14

 Phase 2 has quickly come and gone and GMMP is now entering the final phase of the beta.  I already started working off the bug list and have included many fixes in beta 14.  Basically what is left before final release is fixes (of course), updated translations, help pages/documentation, and adding some basic onboarding to the player.

For translations I uploaded the existing translations on a new site called localazy.  It has a pretty easy to use interface and should allow the community to help with the translations.  Here is the page:  I am not 100% sure how it works for additional users contributing, so if you want to help with the translations just toss me an email and we can figure it out.  Just like before, anyone that significantly contributes to the translations can get a free promo code for the app if they so desire.  

To help make the translation process easier, I've gone through most of the existing strings in the app and removed all the unused one.  I am sure many have noticed that 3.0 has a lot less setting descriptions in the actual app.  The main reasoning for that is to cut down on the amount of content that needed to be translated.  I do plan on create tons of UI view specific help pages on my blog with much more detail on each setting and create youtube videos on how to use / customize the player.  

Beta 14 does contain a new icon.  I did not change the design too much from 2.x but I did round off the triangle corners and choose a single color. Here is what the updated adaptive icon looks like:


GoneMAD Music Player 3.0 Beta 14 (2020-12-23):


  • Added advanced option to disable album art in notification
  • Library views (except the tracklist) hidden using the view order setting are now also hidden in details views
  • Details view with only a single subview will now hide the tabs completely
  • Added placeholders to indicate list items are still loading when fast scrolling
  • Navigation drawer header now shows playing info and art
  • Added Rating and Lyrics buttons as default to now playing for those devices that have the 2nd button row on by default
  • Set new default base theme colors
  • Added support for selecting artist/album art from downloads folder and any other source that shows up in the gallery
  • Added toasts indication a successful play next or enqueue
  • Improved music service startup time
  • Renamed 'View Order' option in the library to 'Enabled Views'
  • Updated logo and added an adaptive launcher icon
  • Removed unused resources
  • Tweaked default album art blur radius
  • Minor transition improvements


  • Fixed smart playlist details so it shows the playlist name instead of just "smart"
  • Now playing customize menu will now properly update after changing layouts
  • Fixed tablet tab width
  • Local art searches should now longer be slowed down by online art searches
  • Fixed crash in lyrics view
  • Fixed on queue completion menu
  • Fixed album art while casting
  • Fixed issue where some songs wouldnt play after changing sort order
  • Clean database after scan setting was not applied to auto scans after android media library changes
  • Improved error handling when trying to play files no longer on the device
  • Fixed issue where notification was not able to be removed with a swipe
  • Search icon should now be listed first on playlist and bookmark views
  • Fixed overflow button theme color in action mode
  • Fixed action mode views background color
  • Fixed viewpager effect theme color when scrolling past last tab
  • Fixed widget setup ui text color in light theme
  • Fixed Enabled Menu Options dynamic theme colors
  • Fixed Add To Playlist not showing up in the now playing menu

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