Its been awhile since I've posted a new update but I spent a few weeks working on 2.2.4/2.2.5 and now I am back working on 3.0. This next update focuses on the queue. Its not finished but it is working enough that I can show it off. The queue involved a bunch more work than the previous views since I had to rewrite the actual backing queue data structure. Previously the Queue class would retain its own copy of the tracks and it was in charge of persisting all changes into the database. This time around I made it much simpler by just keeping everything straight in the database, so the queue and db no longer have to stay in sync. The queue features drag and drop like the previous version of gmmp, however it is done a bit differently (at least for now pending feedback). Instead of having the "handle" on the left on each list item that you press to start dragging, dragging is now started via a long press. The reasoning behind the behavior.. honestly.....
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