It has been awhile since the last update mostly due to life getting in the way and working on some other projects, but rest assured that I am still active in supporting GMMP. 3.3.17 should be the last update before I start working on 3.4 later this month. 3.4 will mostly focus on updating ffmpeg and the other libraries, but I will also add a 3rd now playing layout.
3.3.17 should be rolling out on amazon and google play over the next few days.
Changelogs since the last post:
3.3.17 (2022-03-04):
- Playlist details will now persist sort order when 'auto save' is disabled
- %naa% should now populate with album artist instead of artist
- 'Stop after every track' will no longer start auto crossfading into the next track before stopping
3.3.16 (2022-12-21):
- Added BLUETOOTH_CONNECT permission (Nearby Devices) for BT auto resume on android 12+
3.3.15 (2022-12-03):
- Fixed gonemad.gmmp.PLAY_FILE_NEXT and ENQUEUE_FILE playing the file instead of play next/enqueue
- Fixed issue playing folders via intent
- Reverted previous jump to folder change since it also broke search
3.3.14 (2022-11-22):
- Added themed app icon for Android 13+
- Updated google cast sdk to 21.2.0
- gonemad.gmmp.command.PLAY_FILE,PLAY_FILE_NEXT, and ENQUEUE_FILE now work with folders and spl files
- Jump to folder when using tab navigation will now correctly go to the folder tab
3.3.13 (2022-09-20):
- Folder select list items will now wrap long paths into multiple lines
3.3.12 (2022-09-14):
- Made sdcards a bit more discoverable in the folder chooser dialog
- Added 'On Select' settings for playlists (Advanced Settings -> Library -> Playlist)
- MEDIA_PLAY_PAUSE, MEDIA_PLAY, and MEDIA_PAUSE should now work with the remote control overrides
- Fixed scrobbler / playstate when changing tracks while stopped/paused
- Fixed some issues saving smart playlists with illegal filename characters in it's name