1.4.15 Released. Lyrics, composer tag, new repeat mode, playlist file search, new media control/now playing icons
Its only been 2 weeks since the last update but this update is definitely significant. Many long requested features have finally been added. The plan moving forward is one more update for some miscellaneous features and fixes and then I plan on doing the UI overhaul + tablet enhancements. That update is going to take awhile, most like a few months but I plan on doing some bug fix releases during that period if issues happen to pop up.
1.4.15 (06/09/2013):
-Added lyrics support for embedded lyrics
-Added lyrics search through musiXmatch
-Composer tag is now read and able to be shown on now playing (%cp%)
-Added a new repeat mode. There is now repeat queue and repeat track/one
-Added playlist file search
-Added 'Play Next' context menu option to the queue. This will move the selected track to underneath the currently playing track and will turn off shuffle.
-Added option to show/hide file stats in the file browser
-Added option to require a second press of the back button to exit gmmp. Prefs -> General -> Double Back To Exit
Updates / Improvements:
-Replaced all the media control icons and added visual touch feedback to them. Widgets might need to be readded to the home screen to work
-Replaced the metadata icons
-Improved editing tags of whole folders
-Now playing menu actions reset back to default (so show lyrics is visible to everyone)
-Sleep timer changed to a range of 5min to 600min. The slider moves in increments of 5min
-Added /storage/ext_sd to default scan locations
-Added "single", "disc", "hits", "anthology", and "volume" to the ignore year keyword list
-Added warning on first startup for galaxy s3 users to disable auto haptic
-Added warning when turning on 'Always Keep Device Awake'. It will drain your battery very quickly
-Added scanner option for to group songs with no album tag by artist instead of with all songs with unknown albums (Prefs -> Scanner -> Group Unknown By Artist)
-Ignore year scanner option defaulted to always
-The front cover in files with multiple embedded images will now be shown instead of the first image found (id3v2, flac, and wma only)
-Reset and split 'Auto Pause' setting into "Off, Wired, Bluetooth, and Both"
-'Add to playlist' activity now has a black background
-Added software menu button to 'Add to playlist' activity for devices without a hardware menu button
-Setting AudioFocus volume to 0% will now pause playback instead of mute
-Long pressing the pause/play button in now playing will now stop the current track and reset the time back to 0:00
-Updated translations
-Clearing the queue will now reset the background album art and clear the widgets
-The queue will no longer loop if 'Remove After Play' is enabled and the queue only contains one track
-Fixed some bugs with multi-file cuesheets
-Playing/enqueuing by folder will now handle cue files correctly
-GMMP will no longer crossfade when shuffle is off, 'On Shuffle Only' and 'Disable When Gapless' are on, and there is no gapless transition
-Fixed bug causing the .nomedia file to not be created in the albumart folder
-Fixed issue saving playback position when the queue completes and when you seek while paused
-Fixed a bug causing playback to end early on the last track of the queue
-Fixed issue album art background was being blended with the default gradient background causing it to not look as good at lower opacity settings
-Fixed issue playing songs using an external file browser
1.4.15 (06/09/2013):
-Added lyrics support for embedded lyrics
-Added lyrics search through musiXmatch
-Composer tag is now read and able to be shown on now playing (%cp%)
-Added a new repeat mode. There is now repeat queue and repeat track/one
-Added playlist file search
-Added 'Play Next' context menu option to the queue. This will move the selected track to underneath the currently playing track and will turn off shuffle.
-Added option to show/hide file stats in the file browser
-Added option to require a second press of the back button to exit gmmp. Prefs -> General -> Double Back To Exit
Updates / Improvements:
-Replaced all the media control icons and added visual touch feedback to them. Widgets might need to be readded to the home screen to work
-Replaced the metadata icons
-Improved editing tags of whole folders
-Now playing menu actions reset back to default (so show lyrics is visible to everyone)
-Sleep timer changed to a range of 5min to 600min. The slider moves in increments of 5min
-Added /storage/ext_sd to default scan locations
-Added "single", "disc", "hits", "anthology", and "volume" to the ignore year keyword list
-Added warning on first startup for galaxy s3 users to disable auto haptic
-Added warning when turning on 'Always Keep Device Awake'. It will drain your battery very quickly
-Added scanner option for to group songs with no album tag by artist instead of with all songs with unknown albums (Prefs -> Scanner -> Group Unknown By Artist)
-Ignore year scanner option defaulted to always
-The front cover in files with multiple embedded images will now be shown instead of the first image found (id3v2, flac, and wma only)
-Reset and split 'Auto Pause' setting into "Off, Wired, Bluetooth, and Both"
-'Add to playlist' activity now has a black background
-Added software menu button to 'Add to playlist' activity for devices without a hardware menu button
-Setting AudioFocus volume to 0% will now pause playback instead of mute
-Long pressing the pause/play button in now playing will now stop the current track and reset the time back to 0:00
-Updated translations
-Clearing the queue will now reset the background album art and clear the widgets
-The queue will no longer loop if 'Remove After Play' is enabled and the queue only contains one track
-Fixed some bugs with multi-file cuesheets
-Playing/enqueuing by folder will now handle cue files correctly
-GMMP will no longer crossfade when shuffle is off, 'On Shuffle Only' and 'Disable When Gapless' are on, and there is no gapless transition
-Fixed bug causing the .nomedia file to not be created in the albumart folder
-Fixed issue saving playback position when the queue completes and when you seek while paused
-Fixed a bug causing playback to end early on the last track of the queue
-Fixed issue album art background was being blended with the default gradient background causing it to not look as good at lower opacity settings
-Fixed issue playing songs using an external file browser