If GoneMAD Music Player does not find all your music try the following:
- Make sure you are updated to the latest version of GMMP and run a scan. 3.0.8 had some scanner related fixes that might fix the issue.
- Disable any power saver / battery optimization settings for GMMP. This can prevent the scanner from running. https://dontkillmyapp.com/samsung and https://dontkillmyapp.com has information how to disable things that can kill the app.
- Verify all your music folders are listed in Scanner Settings -> Scan Paths and run a scan
- sdcards are typically mounted under something like: /storage/F842-2931 (The actual folder name is different for every sdcard)
- How to find sdcard and add to the scanner
- If upgrading from an older version of GMMP, the clearing the app's cache/data and NOT restoring a backup is the cleanest way to ensure the app gets configured correctly. On first start, GMMP should auto recognize common music folder locations
- Try turning off Advanced Scanner Settings -> Ignore folders with .nomedia and running a new scan
Note: If a manual scan finds no music, the notification will auto hide once complete.