Start Scan
Start a new scan for music to be added to GMMP's library. Scans are typically done automatically when music is added/removed to the device, so most of the time a manual scan is not needed.
Clean Database
Removes missing/deleted files from GMMP's library. Note: This will also remove anything on removable storage that is not attached/mounted to the device at the time of the scan.
Delete Database
Removes everything in GMMP's library. Should only be used when attempting to fix issues with your library.
Edit Scan Paths
Folders that the scanner will look for music and playlists in. Folders are added with the Folder Selection UI.
Edit Ignore Paths
Folders that the scanner will skip over when running a scan. File's already scanned in GMMP's library that are in these paths should get removed after a scan. Folders are added with the Folder Selection UI.
Audiobook Paths
Folders that contain audiobooks. . Folders are added with the Folder Selection UI. An audiobooks view can be added to the Library view via the Library's customize menu (Customize -> Enabled Views).
Podcast Paths
Folders that contain podcasts. Folders are added with the Folder Selection UI. A podcasts view can be added to the Library view via the Library's customize menu (Customize -> Enabled Views).
Ignore folders with .nomedia
If enabled, the scanner will not scan folders that contain .nomedia files. A .nomedia file is a standard way to tell the android media scanner to ignore it. Note: If enabled this will also skip subfolders if a parent folder contains the .nomedia file.
Ignore hidden folders
If enabled, the scanner will not scan hidden folders. Hidden folders in android typically start with a period (.whatever).
Group Unknown By Artist
Tracks with no album tag will be grouped together with other tracks from the same artist with no album tag. If disabled, all tracks without an album tag are grouped together in a single unknown album.
Multi-Folder Albums
Will group tracks in different folders into the same album if they contain the same albumartist, album name, and year. If disabled, only tracks in the same folder can be grouped together.
Scan Cue Files
Scan .cue files. Info on cuesheets:
Add MP4 Files
Add mp4 files to GMMP's library. MP4 is typically an extension used for video files, but an mp4 can contain just audio.
Add 3GP Files
Add 3gp files to GMMP's library. 3GP is typically an extension used for video files, but an 3gp can contain just audio.
Default Rating
Default rating to use for tracks with no ratings stored in their tags.
Ignore Year
Ignore year tag when grouping songs in the same folder into an album.
- Never - Never ignore the year
- Smart - Will ignore the year if the scanner does not think the files are part of a compilation / various artist album
- Always - Always ignore the year when grouping into an album
Format artist/album tags
Formats the artist and album tags into propercase. Example: eXaMPLe formats to Example
Ignore AlbumArtist tag
Always use the artist tag as the albumartist
Clean Database After Scan
A normal scan will clean up missing files after its done scanning new music. Turn this setting off to disable that behavior. Useful if removable storage is used.
Database Stats
Displays statistics about GMMP's database. Total number of artists, albums, songs, etc.