Full Android Auto Access
Enables access to all artists, albums, and genres in Android Auto.
Album Filtering
Settings for the 'Hide Short Albums' filter in the Album list view (Customize -> Filter -> Hide Short Albums).
Album Filtering - Minimum Album Duration
Filter out albums that do not meet the minimum duration in minutes.
Album Filtering - Minimum Track Count
Filter out albums that contain less than the minimum track count.
On Select (Stopped)
Default action when selecting a song while music is not playing. Options: Play, Play Next, Enqueue, Shuffle, Nothing.
On Select (Playing)
Default action when selecting a song while music is playing. Options: Play, Play Next, Enqueue, Shuffle, Nothing.
Enqueue All On Selection
When selecting an item for playback from a list, enqueue the entire contents of the list. Example: Selecting a song in the album details view will enqueue the entire album.
Return to Now Playing
Opens the Now Playing view after selecting a new song for playback.
Queue - On Select (Stopped)
Default action when selecting a song from the queue while music is not playing. Options: Play, Play Next, Enqueue, Nothing.
Queue - On Select (Playing)
Default action when selecting a song from the queue while music is playing. Options: Play, Play Next, Enqueue, Nothing.