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Showing posts from September, 2020

GoneMAD Music Player 3.0 Beta 10

Split view has finally been added back as a new experimental option.  It was marked as experimental since its definitely not 100% perfect right now and it could take some time to get right.  I'll continue to make improvement over the beta but it will most likely stay experimental until sometime after 3.0.  What exactly does experimental mean?  It simply means that things may not work correctly and users should not expect them to be fixed any time soon.  The option can be found under advanced settings -> UI.  Split mode has a different set of default settings compared to regular view, but most things can still be customized like the album art background and all that. Beta 10 also added the ability to customize the displayed metadata in most of the views (folder view and a few others will be added in Beta 11).  This works basically the same way as now playing does except the available variables are different depending on the view.  I'll be updati...