Auto-DJ was the main focus of beta 9. Song selection was modified to prefer tracks not recently played (last played longer than 14 days ago). Genres can now be selected for auto dj (just like smart playlists) and the default auto dj selection mode can now be chosen. Available selection modes: Random - Songs are picked at random Rating - Prefer songs rated greater than or equal to the min rating setting (seperate setting) Recently Added - Prefer songs added within the last 2 weeks Different Artists - Will attempt to not repeat an artist until all have been played once Selection mode and a few other options are available under a new advanced settings section named Auto-DJ. This section also contains a "Rules" entry which shows whether auto dj is using a smart playlist, genre, or using the default selection mode to choose songs. Notification buttons can now be customized Up to five actions can be added to the notification and up to 3 of those actions can be sh...
Feature-Rich and Highly Customizable Music Player