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Showing posts from March, 2019


Pushed a new 2.x patch.  The automatic album art download ended up broken due to amazon's album art search no longer working.  I switch things to use the other album art source, so that functionality should be restored.  Additionally there was still some issues with ogg album art that were fixed as well. 2.2.21 (03/21/2019): -Fixed some more album art issues -Fixed automatic album art downloads

GoneMAD Music Player 3.0 Alpha 7c

This update is mostly bug fixes but I did add a few things that should have been there from really early on in the alpha (like the shuffle context menu options).  You can also rate multiple files, folders, and tracks at the same time with the multi select. 3.0 Alpha 7c (03-12-2019): New: -Added shuffle to context menu in most views -Added shuffle to multi select action menu for most views -Added Enqueue All On Selection advanced setting -Added Database Stats in the advanced scanner settings -Added rating to multi select actions for tracks, files, and folders -Default smart playlists are now correctly installed if they dont exist Fixes: -Removed unused tag editor option in playlist list context menu -Removed unused song info context menu option for playlist files in folder view -Folder view should now use the selected scan paths for the top level folders -Improved album grouping for various artist albums in the same folder with no album artist tags -Fixed multi f...