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Showing posts from June, 2015

2.0.5 - 2.0.7

2.0.7 marks the last planned update for the 2.0.x series and I plan on starting work on 2.1 by mid july.  The initial focus on 2.1 will be the audioengine.  2.0 was a big upgrade in the UI department, so now is the time to upgrade whats under the hood.  There still should be some UI improvements like the often requested grid views as well. 2.0.7 (06/28/2015) -Fixed issue where the UI gets in a messed up state if now playing is set as the starting view and a gesture is used to jump to any of the non library/folder views -Fixed repeat one with cue files 2.0.6 (06/05/2015) -Fixed issue with embbedded art not getting recognized without the "prefer embedded art" setting enabled -Fixed crash in the lyrics view -Fixed other various crashes 2.0.5 (06/03/2015) -Fix for cue files not loading

2.0.4 + Lyrics for Android support

Just pushed the next update to the play store.  Besides the album art related fixes, GMMP now also includes support for the brand new lyric app from JRTStudio (isyncr/rocket player dev) called Lyrics for Android: Using lyrics for Android with GMMP will now allow you to search the internet for lyrics without ever leaving GMMP 2.0.4 (06/02/2015) -Fixed issue with updating the lyric view after the track changes -Added support for lyrics for android.  Lyrics can now be shown within GMMP instead of an external app -Fixed issue where album art would not properly show on the lockscreen -Fixed issue where total time in the queue showed as 0:00 -The scanner's folder select view will now color the folder icon of every folder the scanner will scan -Sorting all songs by track number now uses track name as the secondary sorting field -Fixed a bunch of errors related to reusing recycled bitmaps (album art loading...