2.0 Beta 2 greatly improves the options for widgets. Here is a list of what is customizable: Colors (Currently limited to just black on white or vice versa) Album art being shown Background opacity Font size (small / medium / large) Number of buttons and you can configure each button (7 choices: playpause/fast forward/rewind/skip next/skip back/toggle shuffle/toggle repeat) Playing info. Widgets get 2-4 slots (depending on the size) that can be customized similar to the now playing custom slots. The number is variables is not as extensive as now playing but there is a fairly good selection. 1.9.9 (2.0 Beta 2) (12/26/2014) New: -Widget overhaul. Added a bunch of new configuration options to the widgets. -Added 'Clean Database After Scan' to scanner settings. Updated: -Updated translations Removed: -Removed "Push to start" on the widgets. It is no longer needed -Removed icon option in custom metadata lines since icons are no longer shown...
Feature-Rich and Highly Customizable Music Player