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Showing posts from December, 2014

1.9.9 (2.0 Beta 2) - Widget Overhaul

2.0 Beta 2 greatly improves the options for widgets.  Here is a list of what is customizable: Colors (Currently limited to just black on white or vice versa) Album art being shown Background opacity Font size (small / medium / large) Number of buttons and you can configure each button (7 choices: playpause/fast forward/rewind/skip next/skip back/toggle shuffle/toggle repeat) Playing info.  Widgets get 2-4 slots (depending on the size) that can be customized similar to the now playing custom slots.  The number is variables is not as extensive as now playing but there is a fairly good selection. 1.9.9 (2.0 Beta 2) (12/26/2014) New: -Widget overhaul.  Added a bunch of new configuration options to the widgets. -Added 'Clean Database After Scan' to scanner settings. Updated: -Updated translations Removed: -Removed "Push to start" on the widgets.  It is no longer needed -Removed icon option in custom metadata lines since icons are no longer shown...

1.9.7 (Beta)

1.9.7 (12/09/2014): -Overflow button is now wider -Album art will now change instantly in now playing if the view is not active -Fixed crash when crossfading album art -Fixed smart playlist editor crash in holo themes -Fixed crash in theme preview -Fixed other various crashes -Fixed holo nav bar when set to right or bottom -Fixed nav bar background color in Holo Colored Action Bar themes -Fixed 'return to now playing' in holo themes -Potential fix for crashes on 4.2 and 4.3 -Added Korean translation -Updated translations

2.0 Beta 1 Released

2.0 has been in the works for about 5 months and I finally have something releasable.  There is still a lot more to do but its current state is good enough to use as a daily driver.  One downside to 2.0, is it requires Android 4.1 and higher.  The majority of GMMP users are 4.1+, so the decision was made in order to provide the best listening experience to the most about of users.  1.6.x will still be available for 2.3-4.0.4 users.  You might also notice the 2.0 betas will actually have version numbers in the 1.9.x range.  This is simply to make the bug reporting easier on me. Anyway, the majority of the code base has been reworked, the holo themes were significantly improved, and this will be the first version of the new material based themes.  The material themes will continue to be improved in future betas.  I had also previously talked about the new Theme Builder that 2.0 will feature.  Due to some of the limitations with material theme...