This should be the last pure bug fix update for 1.5.0.x. It will probably be awhile until the next update since adding chromecast support is not something that can be done overnight. (04/29/14): -Fixed Queue -> Play Next -Fixed the album image's context menu -Fixed issue where delete context menu option is not always available in the song view -Fixed rare case where playing a track using the context menu would start at the beginning of the album instead of the selected track -Fixed some typos in the preferences -Fixed issue where the image cache does not get setup correctly -Toggling between artist and album artist mode will now properly refresh the album and track count -Properly handle cue files with years with dashes (ie 2009-07) -Caught exception trying to listen for incoming phone calls (to pause the music) when the user denies GMMP the READ_PHONE_STATE permission. Please do not block this permission and expect the app to work correctly. -Lots of other ...
Feature-Rich and Highly Customizable Music Player