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Showing posts from January, 2013

1.4.3 - Ratings now read from tags

When I was working on the 1.4 update, I had written a bunch of code to extract ratings out of tags, but I apparently forgot to add the rating extraction to the scanner.  The scanner will now read ratings from the files so importing ratings is a bit easier. 1.4.3 (01/30/13): -Added option to bypass the android keyguard/lockscreen (Prefs -> General -> Lockscreen -> Bypass Keyguard) -A .nomedia file is now added to the default album art location (gmmp/albumart) when its first created -Added /Removable, /extSdCard, and /storage/sdcard1 as default paths if they exist on the device -Added options to add/remove 'All Songs' and 'All Albums' from the genre view (Prefs -> Library -> Genre -> Add 'All Songs' / Add 'All Albums' -Added options to add/remove 'All Songs' from the artist view (Prefs -> Library -> Artist -> Add 'All Songs' -Genre tags are now only formatted when the format tags option is enabled in the s...

Updated roadmap

I updated the roadmap section of the blog on what I plan on working on.  These are just some of the major points and there will be plenty more minor additions/changes that are not listed 1.4.x -Improved resampling (support for higher than 48khz sample rate) -Rework widget code -Expandable notifications -Improved cuesheet support 1.5 -tablet enhancements -improved playlist functionality  -lyrics support 1.6 -LAN support (DLNA/UPnP/samba)

Minor bugfixes 1.4.1/1.4.2

1.4.2 (01/17/13): -%MTRACK now properly updates when pausing playback, changing tracks, and then resuming playback -Caught illegalstateexception when trying to get current position or duration after a mediaplayer error -Fixed crash caused by trying to open tag editor from now playing when no song has been selected -Fixed replaygain for ogg playback -Fixed some issues related to loading the audioengine -Updated german and japanese translations 1.4.1 (01/10/13): -Fixed crash that can occur once a song completes -Fixed some potential race conditions -Caught exception thrown by ACRA for initializing more than once -Caught exception when setting custom metadata lines

1.4.0 Released!

Its finally here. Google Play Amazon will probably take a week or so to approve the update 1.4.0 (01/06/13): New: -Added smart playlists -Added recently played and recently added as default smart playlists -Added completely customizable metadata lines for now playing -Added AAC-ADTS/3GP support for android 4.0+ -Added backup/restore for playcounts/ratings (Prefs -> General -> Backup) -Added song ratings -Headset/bluetooth media controls (next/prev/rrwd/ffwd/stop) can be assigned custom actions -Added Date Added and Last Played to the database -Scanner now populates date added when scanning -Last played and playcount are now updated when a song finishes playing -Added xhdpi launcher icon -Added option to run a scan when the sdcard is mounted (Prefs -> Scanner -> Scan On Media Mounted) -Added scan on musicservice startup option (Prefs -> Scanner -> Scan On Startup) -Added disc number support to the tag editor -Added open tag editor as a gestur...