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Showing posts from August, 2012

Preview: Holo skin support for changing navigation bar location

It has been awhile since I posted any screenshots, so here are some for a feature I just finished up working on.  Any user of the classic skin should be familiar with the ability to change the location of the navigation bar.  This functionality is now supported by the holo skins and can be accessed through preferences -> ui -> portrait position / landscape position. Note: devices with no hardware button will still show the action bar at the top to allow access to the menu options.

1.3.8 - Playback fixes

The addition of opensl has really brought on a lot of playback issues that I've had to overcome.  The issues are 100% the fault of the manufactures of the device, but I was still able to find a work around. Issue #1:  Some devices like the galaxy s2 and galaxy note decode mono mp3s incorrectly.  Instead of decoding out to mono, they decode the audio into stereo, with the same data in the left and right channel.  Doing this is technically okay as long as they let the user of the decoder know the output is actually in stereo instead of mono.  These devices do not.  They report that the output only has 1 channel instead of 2.  GMMP would try to play stereo data in mono, which would result in playback being slower than normal.  I wrote some code to detect this behavior and it works fairly well, so I believe this is completely fixed. Issue #2: Adding or removing of audio samples in the beginning of the decoding process.  I have 3 devices that ...