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Showing posts from May, 2012

1.3 Beta 2

Beta 2: Skins: Getting the skins working again made me realize there were a bunch of issues with the cyan and silver skin as well.  So here is another update to get the skins to work.  Cue support is still not present. 1.3 Beta 2: -Removed unnecessary background transitions -Fixed potential crash with background album art -Fixed action bar background for main view and about view for external skins -Fixed some background color issues -Cyan and silver skin now show the correct background instead of album art -Save playlist and save preset edit text box is now skinned -Fixed crash that can occur in the error log using an external skin -Fixed delay in pausing on bluetooth disconnect on 3.0+ devices Report bugs in this thread on the forums

1.3 Beta 1 is now available

Beta 1 contains everything planned for 1.3 except for skin updates and cue support which will be added for beta 2.  Check the forum for full details.  Download here . Major changes include: -ReplayGain support -Bookmarking -Dsp limiter -EQ layout changes + new presets -Notification controls added to 3.0+ -Album art can be used as a background

1.3 Progress Update #3: Album art background and transitions

Another new feature in 1.3 will be the ability to use album art as the background image for GMMP.  Opacity can be set in the settings along with the image to use when there is no album art present (options are the gradient or black) Note: the Background setting was moved from Now Playing to UI Video showing the transitions.  Note: the video is laggy because of the recording software I used on my phone.  Normally transitions start instantly. One other thing added is an option to turn off the default album cover when album art is missing (the GMMP logo which I know doesn't look very good)

1.3 progress update #2: Notification controls

Just another quick progress update.  Notification controls have finally been added for 3.0+ (i've only tested in ICS so far but it should work for honeycomb as well) and the ICS lockscreen should now show album art.  The old notifications were also modified to remove "GoneMAD Music Player" as the title and change that out with the artist name.  Now the artist and trackname are on separate lines.

1.3 progress update

I just wanted to post a little update on my progress for the next major version. So far out of the big features, I've finished coding bookmarking and the dsp limiter.  The limiter will prevent the audio from clipping (which causes bad distortion).  This will allow much more flexibility in the EQ settings used.  Boosting some bands up to the max will no longer sound bad.  The addition of the limiter has led me to change around the equalizer view a bit to make control a bit easier.  The 'Toggle EQ' button has been removed from the menu.  Toggle buttons for enabling the EQ and the limiter are now added to either side of the preset spinner as seen below. Along with the visual changes, I added 9 new equalizer presets: Bass Max, Bass & Treble, Classical, Techno, Club, Reggae, Soft, Rap, and Metal. The bookmarking feature will now enable you to save your position when changing tracks.  There are 3 different settings you can use to determine wha...

GMMP 1.2.6 released + info about the next major release

1.2.6 is now live on google play.  It is mostly bug fixes and a few minor changes.  I am really happy with the stability of 1.2.x now so I will begin work on 1.3. What is planned for 1.3: -cue file support -replaygain support -dsp limiter -notification playback controls (3.0+ only) -widgets packaged as a separate download (for users who moved gmmp to the sdcard) -1 or 2 more holo based skins -advanced now playing metadata customization A beta will be posted before the official release just like I did with 1.1 and 1.2 1.2.6 Changelog: -Volume buttons will now control media volume when music is paused and GMMP is open (screen must be on) -Added option to replace total time with time remaining in now playing (Preferences -> Now Playing -> Show Time Remaining) -Split artist search into artist and albumartist search (Album Artist search category added) -Album artist and song search now on by default -Other search related improvements -Changed default playba...