The next version is here. With the new icons it looks a bit better. Check the changelog for all of the updates. Download 0.21 alpha here Changelog: 0.21: (7/12/11) -Updated error reporting library to ACRA 4.2.3 -Added additional error reporting options: Always Accept, Include System Logs, and Include Device Id -Added new icons for the quick nav bar and file browser -Browser view will fall back to the external storage path as a default if no other paths are found -Playback will paused when receiving a phone call -Preference added to resume playback after ending a phone call (Preferences->General->Resume On Call End) -READ_PHONE_STATE permission added (for pausing playback when a phone call is received) -Added support for embedded album art for mp3, flac, wma, mp4/m4a, and anything else using id3v2 tags -Added statistics to the genre view (artist count, album count, track count) -Added filetype compatibility check on startup. -Added compatibility view whi...