1.1 contains some major updates and new features including a lockscreen player, search view, and a customizable gesture system. Since the android market is running a massive sale in celebration on 10 billion market downloads, I thought I would join in. GMMP will be 99 cents until the sale ends. It may take a little while for the price change to show up. Most of the new features are fairly straightforward besides the new gesture system. The gesture system allows you to bind an action to a gesture. The gestures include: Single tap, double tap, fling left/right/up/down, and long press. These gestures are done in the now playing window where the song info and album art is shown. The bindable actions are as follows: None, Play Next Track, Play Previous Track, Play Next Folder, Play Previous Folder, Toggle Media Controls, Toggle Shuffle, Toggle Repeat, Seek Forward, Seek Back, Play/Pause, Show Volume Dialog, Volume Up, Volume Down, Jump To Time, an...